Saturday, February 11, 2006
To tag or not to tag?

Andrew Jones aka Tall Skinny Kiwi vindt dat we onze blogposts van een "tag" moeten voorzien, wil iemand ooit een keer kunnen terugvinden wat we geschreven hebben. Hij is niet de enige. Ook Sarah in Tampa zei op Nieuwjaarsdag jl. al het volgende:
Tagging. Everyone is tagging now. Tag photos on flickr. Tag bookmarks on Tag blog posts on Technorati. Tagging is Web 2.0 and the future of organizing information on the web.
Of in de woorden van Andrew Jones:
Tagging your posts allows your data to be easily found by people who need it, and allows your posts to ride the long tail of the blogosphere. If you tag your posts well, people will be finding and reading them in years to come, even if they don't read them now.
Het leuke van Andrew Jones is natuurlijk zijn gelovige achtergrond en bijbelse vocabulaire. Luister naar het volgende (link):
There is a lot of information out there and we all need to TAG better or the right people will never find our stuff. I nominate Adam from the Garden of Eden as the Patron Saint of Tagging. If Adam didn't take the time to tag the animals, Noah would have had a helluva time sorting out what's what when it came time to fill the ark. And thats all i have to say about that.